Pre-Summit 101 on Environmental Markets and Finance Presentations
- Wetland and Species Mitigation and Offsets, Katherine Birnie, Ecosystem Investment Partners
- Water Quality and Stormwater Markets and Finance, Brooks Smith, Troutman Sanders
- Productive Forestry and Agroforestry, Peter Stein, Lyme Timber Company
- Forest and Land-use Carbon Finance, Dick Kempka, Molpus Woodlands Group
- Corporate Supply Chain Investments, Stephen Donofrio, Forest Trends
Agricultural and Rural Areas and the Restoration Economy
- BenDor T, Lester TW, Livengood A, Davis A, Yonavjak L. (2015) Estimating the Size and Impact of the Ecological Restoration Economy. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0128339.
Contracting and Public Procurement
- The Environmental Policy Innovation Center’s report on regulatory sandboxes, explaining how FinTech’s regulatory sandboxes work and how they could be brought in to use to solve conservation problems and facilitate environmental markets
- EPIC’s report looking at three states’ models of results-based or Pay for Success environmental contracting that could be replicated nationwide
Corporate Supply Chain Sustainability
- Supply Change:
- Supply Change’s latest report: Targeting Zero Deforestation: Company Progress on Commitments That Count, 2019
- Accountability Framework Initiative
Forest and Land-use Carbon Finance
- Dick Kempka slides
- Forest Trends, State of Private Investment in Conservation
- Forest Trends, State of Forest Carbon Finance
Wetland and Species Mitigation
- United States Environmental Protection Agency, Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources under CWA Section 404 (Final Rule)
- Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Service, Conservation Banking
- US Army Corps of Engineers, Guidelines for Environmental Banking in Coastal Louisiana
- National Mitigation and Ecosystem Banking Conference
Conservation Finance Communities of Practice
- The Conservation Finance Network (mostly US focused)
- Conservation Finance Alliance (global)
Invest in the Environment by attending this high-level gathering of public, private, and philanthropic communities in forestry, carbon, ecological restoration, water resources management, and corporate sustainability. The Environmental Markets and Finance Summit is hosted by Forest Trends and the Alliance for Environmental Markets and Investments.